Myofascial Release Massage

Myofascial release is a type of massage that focuses on treating the fascia and the muscle it permeates and envelopes. Fascia is a web of connective tissue that forms a lattice work providing structural integrity for the entire body. In simple terms, you can think of fascia as support wires to the bones in the body. If the support wires on one side of a tower are too tight, the other side will be bent or distorted. Myofascial release helps treat restrictions in the fascia that can cause these distortions resulting in pain in the body. Also restricted fascia can inhibit normal fluid flow through the tissues that can lead to thickening and scar tissue. Myfascial release can very effective in helping open these restricted tissues and normalizing normal fluid flow. Below are a few common examples of problems addressed by myofascial release and who would benefit.

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