Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

I think we all have had foot pain at one time or another.  We buy inserts, roll a ball on the bottom of our feet or ice trying to make the pain go away.  Many times that is enough for the feet to calm down so that we can get  back to normal activities.  But for many people the pain continues to get worse.  No matter how much they stretch or ice or wear the lattest  shoe inserts the burning and cramping becomes unbearble.  Most of the clients I have seen at my office over the years with these symptoms have already been to a podiatrist (foot doctor) that has diagnosed this pain pattern as plantar fasciitis and or a heel spur.  Usually they have been given inserts by the Dr and and even injections to help with the pain.  It’s at this point that the client usually reaches out to me to try specific soft tissue bodywork to help. 

What I love about the Structural Energetic Therapy proctocol is that how ideally suited it is for Plantar Fasciitis.  Not only is there a very specific and advanced SET protocol to open and balance the lower leg and foot, but SET also addresses the entire structure so that the distortoins that are causing the foot to have excessive strain and imbalance are addressed for long term relief.   I have included a link to a Stuctural Energetic Therapy training center article about how SET can help with Plantar Fasciitis.   Of course you are always welcome to contact me directly.  I always happy to explain exactly how I can help you.

#Massage Therapy & Creative Bodywork,

Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

I think we all have had foot pain at one time or another.  We buy inserts, roll a ball on the bottom of our feet or ice trying to make the pain go away.  Many times that is enough for the feet to calm down so that we can get  back to normal activities.  But for many people the pain continues to get worse.  No matter how much they stretch or ice or wear the lattest  shoe inserts the burning and cramping becomes unbearble.  Most of the clients I have seen at my office over the years with these symptoms have already been to a podiatrist (foot doctor) that has diagnosed this pain pattern as plantar fasciitis and or a heel spur.  Usually they have been given inserts by the Dr and and even injections to help with the pain.  It’s at this point that the client usually reaches out to me to try specific soft tissue bodywork to help. 

What I love about the Structural Energetic Therapy proctocol is that how ideally suited it is for Plantar Fasciitis.  Not only is there a very specific and advanced SET protocol to open and balance the lower leg and foot, but SET also addresses the entire structure so that the distortoins that are causing the foot to have excessive strain and imbalance are addressed for long term relief.   I have included a link to a Stuctural Energetic Therapy training center article about how SET can help with Plantar Fasciitis.   Of course you are always welcome to contact me directly.  I always happy to explain exactly how I can help you.

#Massage Therapy & Creative Bodywork,